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Session 1B

Start / End: 11:40 AM - 12:30 PM Fri

Crop Planning: Mastering the Art of Efficient Farming

  • Gabrielle Roy

Crop planning is much more than just deciding what to plant; it involves understanding the harmonious interplay of seasonal cycles, crop rotations, soil health, and market demands. In this course, you will learn how to strategically plan your crop production to maximize yield, ensure a steady harvest throughout the year, and sustain the long-term health of your soil. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your existing knowledge, this course will equip you with the tools and insights needed for effective and sustainable crop management.

Indigenous Food and Agriculture Apprenticeship Project

  • Jen Falck

Ukwahkwa Farmstead’s mission is to help the community learn about traditional Haudenosaunee agricultural methods of planting, growing, harvesting, seed keeping, food preparation, storage, and tool making. Kahulahele Farmstead’s mission is to demonstrate and teach community members how to operate small scale farms activities including small scale livestock, poultry, produce, alternative energy, Indigenous planting, and bartering. The farms have formed a partnership and collaborated on several projects for the Oneida community and beyond. In 2024, they received a Beginning Farmer/Rancher SARE grant and used the funding to test a model to share an Agriculture Apprentice. Jen will share how the project was designed, how it was successful, and the lessons learned.